In Evidenza / Highlights

La nuova cultura della gestione dei conflitti nella società globalizzata
F.P. Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano
Sabato 13 Novembre ore 9.00
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Intervista a Davide Berruti
"Telegrammi", numero 348 del 19 ottobre
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Teaching mediation. EUTOPIA-MT: conflict management through digital worlds
The new book about EUTOPIA-MT project
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Ora basta !!!
Laboratorio sulla gestione costruttiva
dei conflitti e delle relazioni di R. Tecchio
Roma, a partire da Ottobre 2010
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Call for students at University of Trieste
MA for International Peace Operators
Go to the website of UNITS >

In Evidenza / Highlights
Archivio / Archive 2010
Archivio / Archive 2009

Archivio / Archive 2008
Archivio / Archive 2007

 Interventi Civili di Pace in Kossovo
Civil Peace Intervention in Kossovo
  Kosovska Mitrovica / Mitrovicë, August 11th 2009  
From left to right: Sokol Kursumlija, President of Association for Peace Kossov@ (standing); Monika Trajanoska (sitting behind), Gianfabrizio Ladini, Ivan Biasizzo and myself sitting at the table with the two delegations.
  (Photo by Naser Ćazimi )  
The joined meeting gathered together four representatives from the Albanian Kosovar community and four from the Serbian one. The meeting had the aim of preparing the visit to Italy in the framework of the programme for local development in the field of milk production and transformation. The meeting took place in the "neutral" zone of Bosniacka Mahala, located in the northern part of Mitrovica but near the bridge and inhabitated mostly by Albanians.
> Download the article (Messaggero Veneto)


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