In Evidenza / Highlights

La nuova cultura della gestione dei conflitti nella società globalizzata
F.P. Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano
Sabato 13 Novembre ore 9.00
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Intervista a Davide Berruti
"Telegrammi", numero 348 del 19 ottobre
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Teaching mediation. EUTOPIA-MT: conflict management through digital worlds
The new book about EUTOPIA-MT project
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Ora basta !!!
Laboratorio sulla gestione costruttiva
dei conflitti e delle relazioni di R. Tecchio
Roma, a partire da Ottobre 2010
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Call for students at University of Trieste
MA for International Peace Operators
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In Evidenza / Highlights
Archivio / Archive 2010
Archivio / Archive 2009

Archivio / Archive 2008
Archivio / Archive 2007

 Eco-progetto a Büyükkonuk
Büyükkonuk eco-project
by "Friends of Karpaz Association"
  About Karpaz peninsula...  


The Karpaz peninsula in the northern part of Cyprus is very rich in natural, cultural and historical assets. Yet since 1974, this northern part has been isolated from the world by an embargo which has, rightly or wrongly, resulted in a depressed economy.  This has been most severe in the rural area of the Karpaz peninsula, as the region stayed under military control much longer than the rest of the northern sector, even until the late 1980’s. Being quite distant from central government, the region suffers from poor infrastructure, lack of jobs and the resulting migration of its young people.

A looming issue in Karpaz is the threat to the natural environment from a rapid and seemingly uncontrolled spread of development. Isolated beaches, scrubland, low forests, bird and turtle nesting areas, the wild donkeys, historical architecture and archaeological sites could all be threatened with the spread of construction sites, hotels and tourist centres.

  About "Friends of Karpaz Association"...  

The Friends of Karpaz Association, founded in 2004, state as their mission the protection of the historical, environmental and cultural riches of the area and improvement of the quality of life of its inhabitants. The region’s unique assets, problems and issues are identified and the association is working to help the local people find a voice to campaign their causes, across the island and internationally.

Cultural development through responsible and sustainable activities is what Friends envision for the Karpaz region as this is way the environment, both natural and manmade, as well as the traditions and heritage, will be preserved.  Ecotourism, which is becoming more popular with the discerning tourist in response to the worldwide problems of climate change and globalization, is an excellent alternative to mass tourism, which has been practiced in most of Cyprus to date

  About Ecotourism in Karpaz peninsula...  
Ecotourism has begun in a very small way in Karpaz, in Büyükkonuk, but it needs continuing support and promotion as not only Cypriots but governmental authorities do not completely understand or embrace it. An initial attempt to raise the awareness of responsible, alternative tourism among the Karpaz inhabitants has involved Friends along with the Ecotourism Association of Büyükkonuk (EAB) and the coordinator for tourism in Karpaz. They have recently completed a series of seminars from December 2007 to Feb 2008, covering all the villages in the region. Both local and international examples were put forward to demonstrate the ecotourism principles.  However, the temptation to get rich quick with sales of land to real estates developers is very strong in this economically depressed area and much more has to be done to convince people that saving the environment and culture will be their biggest asset.
  About "Dalogues of Peace in Cyprus" in Karpaz peninsula...  
Municipality and Province of Ferrara and Associzione Tangram are partner of FKA in the proposal "People to People Contacts leading to sustainable development through support of women dealing in arts, crafts and cultural festivals in the Karpaz peninsula" submitted to the "European Commission’s Aid Programme to the Turkish Cypriot community" in the frame of the programme "Promotion of Youth exchanges and Other people to people contacts".


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