In Evidenza / Highlights

La nuova cultura della gestione dei conflitti nella società globalizzata
F.P. Provincia Autonoma di Bolzano
Sabato 13 Novembre ore 9.00
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Intervista a Davide Berruti
"Telegrammi", numero 348 del 19 ottobre
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Teaching mediation. EUTOPIA-MT: conflict management through digital worlds
The new book about EUTOPIA-MT project
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Ora basta !!!
Laboratorio sulla gestione costruttiva
dei conflitti e delle relazioni di R. Tecchio
Roma, a partire da Ottobre 2010
Scarica le info >

Call for students at University of Trieste
MA for International Peace Operators
Go to the website of UNITS >

In Evidenza / Highlights
Archivio / Archive 2010
Archivio / Archive 2009

Archivio / Archive 2008
Archivio / Archive 2007

  United Nations
Peacebuilding Commission


The Peacebuilding Commission will marshal resources at the disposal of the international community to advise and propose integrated strategies for post-conflict recovery, focusing attention on reconstruction, institution-building and sustainable development, in countries emerging from conflict.

The Commission will bring together the UN's broad capacities and experience in conflict prevention, mediation, peacekeeping, respect for human rights, the rule of law, humanitarian assistance, reconstruction and long-term development.

Specifically, the Commission will:

  • Propose integrated strategies for post-conflict peacebuilding and recovery;

  • Help to ensure predictable financing for early recovery activities and sustained financial investment over the medium- to longer-term.

  • Extend the period of attention by the international community to post-conflict recovery;

  • Develop best practices on issues that require extensive collaboration among political, military, humanitarian and development actors.
  Source: the UN PBC web site  



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